Richway MFB Classy Corporate Account is a COT free Current Account
targeted at Corporate organizations with high transaction turnover.

Richway Microfinance Bank is a licensed microfinance institution licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria as a state MFB to provide a wide range of financial services to the low, medium and economically active members of the society as well as small and medium sized enterprises. At Richway, we are committed to providing cutting edge products and advisory services to a broad range of customers through highly skilled and customer-centric people aided by proven process and technology.

Requirements for opening a business account

  • A duly completed account opening package.
  • A duly completed mandate card.
  • Certificate of incorporation/registration.
  • Particulars of Directors (Form CAC 02 & CAC 07 where necessary).
  • Memorandum and articles of Director.
  • Two (2) duly completed suitable reference forms.
  • Two passport photographs for each signatory.
  • Identification for each signatory.
  • A completed KYC form (know your customer).
  • Board resolution (nominating signatories).
  • Proof of address/Utility bill issued within the last 3 months.
  • Copies of acceptable means of identification (Driver’s License, International passport, National I.D Card, and any other acceptable identification document deemed fit by the bank).
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN).
  • Special control unit against money laundering (SCUML) report where necessary.

For futher enquires, please call our customer service on
0707 508 5769, 0802 425 3481.